Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Superamas Superamas Superamas

Should I say it again? I think they would.


A piece that plays upon, deconstructs, and somewhat celebrates artifice, "BIG, 3rd Episode (happy/end)" at the Kitchen is, without a doubt, one of my highlights of UTR 2008. Beautiful actors presenting scenes with Americanized voices overdubbing their live pantomimes, Superamas replays scenes over and over again. Each derivation producing just a little bit different glint into the focus, the characters, and the awesomeness. With their precise dance-influenced movements, every step is perfect.

Interspersed throughout the live scenes and incredible music and set design are videos that play upon an idealized "Let's all put on a show in New York!" optimism (along with a killer Claude Wampler cameo) and a group of films with an affinity for cheerleaders, hockey, and some kind of sensual massage.

And then, of course, there are the naked people.

With a scene inspired in part by "Sex In The City," three actresses come into a locker room discussing their sexual exploits and desires with and for various men. It is a bookended counterpoint to the opening scene of a bunch of men rehearsing Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and discussing a buddy's newly impregnated mistress. While we see it over and over, both scenes beg the questions:

But are they happy?
Is it all for show?

Posted by Brian Costello
UTR Press Corps

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